Rename Frontpage Blocks to Marketing Blocks

Issue #132 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Frontpage blocks takes to a confusion with the moodle blocks

Comments (6)

  1. Info 3bits reporter

    I hope you are writing the "How to setup BCU theme for administrators" :D

    Last time I counted the settings were more 70 so probably now are more 100 and is becoming a bit complex to know where to configure each setting.

    I think last step would be to add in this wiki, or any other site, a installation guide, how to,,,. tips & tricks, ...

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    I will be documenting this version when I get chance most likely on Moodles wiki pages which can be sued for plugins. I think the admin settings are reasonably well organised, there are some improvements that can be made, perhaps splitting fonts from colors and mobile from layout?

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