Increase navigation menu text size

Issue #135 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Actually is 11px and is too small in big screens.

14px (the default) is good in my tests. Maybe using headerprofilefontsize could fix the problem.

Comments (4)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Are you talking about the upper header where "messages" and profile are displayed? If so I would just apply headerprofilefontsize to messages as well. I would not apply it to the menus at this stage, I think they need to be controlled independently.

    If you are not talking about the upper header but the main navbar there is already a separate setting for that in BCU->Header Navbar

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    Both: Messages and also Home, Dashboard, ...

    The truth is that are too small and need to be a bit bigger. Could be controlled by headerprofilefontsize or abnother setting.

    I agree Messages can use headerprofilefontsize like the rest of the #above-header

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Fix #135 adding setting to control font size in upper header.

    Removed old "usermenu" specific setting.

    Moved settings for both upper menu and navbar to the fonts settings page so they are together.

    → <<cset fbe899a8230b>>

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