Remove course title from header

Issue #145 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Loks like this issue is recurrent because I remember remove it before. The course title is displayed in the header between logo and the search box.

I will remove it again.

Comments (9)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Can you explain the issue maybe with a screen shot? The course title meant to show between the logo and search box, it was deliberate not a bug.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    Sorry those images are broken. The course title is limited to its container already, and the size of thiscontainer can be controlled in the admin settings already.

    Course title lenghths vary wildly between different Moodle sites so I think depending on the way your site is used altering these settings is reasonable.

    If you can retry attaching those images it would help me be sure we are talking about the same thing!

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    I think we should just add an option to hide this for now. We are using that title space and dont want to lose it. Also I believe the breadcrumbs are using shortcode rather than the full course title, thus if this is removed then we will not display the full title anywhere. That is a problem for us and BCU as our shortcodes are just that, codes, not descriptive titles.

    Once this is done perhaps another option could be added to put the title in an alternative position, however this may not be required for your clients if they use a more descriptive shortcode which would appear in the breadcrumbs?

  4. Info 3bits reporter

    In general, people do not use the shortname probably because don't know how to do it. Fullname is the most used and I have clients with very long names.

    What do think a setting to display the heading with 3 options: Header, Above breadcrumb or Not Displayed ?

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    Be aware that long names will spill out of the breadcrumbs for editors who can see categories.

    In terms of options your idea woulde work, but an alternative could be two options:

    1. Header title: shortcode / title / off (default title)
    2. Breadcrumb shortcode / title (default shortcode)

    With those two options you could setup any combination of the two fields you wanted.

  6. Info 3bits reporter

    I made only point 1:

    Header title: heading / none

    The heading is not only the course title. In the Dashboard is the student's name.

    So it is more complex as expected. For the moment I think this is the best choice until now the impact of this change.

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