Change the default colours for a new corporate style

Issue #199 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Define new default colours for theme

Comments (12)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    I was going to suggest doing this, do you have any ideas on what would look nice as a default install?

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    That's a good question.

    Blue, no doubts. Now the problem is to decide which one.

    BCU is too dark and looks sad and serious. I know it is a university, and they are serious, but we need something more attractive

    Normally we use the Material Design palette from Google for our designs:

    We do it because they include a full palette for each primary and secondary colours.

    Any blue or green from this set of colours would be good.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Just to let yo know I am working on changing the default colors / install settings at the moment, should commit later today.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    I liked your site and am copying the colors out of your site and adding a few other changes to the default install to make it more distinct from the old BCU theme. Ill try and get this done today and test the re-install a few times.

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