Make Number of Social Icons Selectable - Add Title Settings

Issue #219 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

We need to make changes to the admin settings for social icons:

  1. Add the ability for users to choose the number of icons they want as opposed to these being pre-defined using the same process we do for alerts, outlined in a similar change for menus in #218
  2. Add setting for the "title" attribute / field (i.e. facebook, twitter etc). Currently that is drawn from the language pack, and is customisable there. This does have some advantages in the admin settings but is not intuitive, nor does it lend itself to moving over to a definable number of icons

Comments (6)

  1. Alexander Goryntsev

    Thanks, Jeremy! The setting is much more handy now, I'm going to play with it. Could you drop just one sample line of this social icons list? I fail to get a 'fa' icon there in my usual ways so far. Another idea is rather about marketing of this feature. It's called 'header social' but I'm going to use it as a kind of quick access list not limited to social services only. Maybe find another name for the feature that conveys wider view on its possible application and tells more about its real value?

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Hi Alex, there is sample code at the top of the settings page, just paste that in and it will give you a working example.

    I will improve the instructions on that page.

    If you dont see the text "purge acc caches".

  3. Alexander Goryntsev

    Sorry Jeremy, there is my Social Icon settings page and I see no code examples here. I've tried an example code from another setting page that perfectly works for menus; it results in links - but without fa icons.


  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Hi Alex,

    I had not incremented the version number which would have forced upgrade and cleared all this. You can re-download a new version number:

    Or go to "Site administration > development > purge all caches"

    Either of those should correct the issues you are seeing.

    Sample code for that field would be:

    http://localhost/moodle/course/search.php|Search Moodle Now|fa-search|Facebook|fa-facebook-square|Twitter|fa-twitter-square|Instagram|fa-instagram
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