Alerts with HTML move icon to the top

Issue #228 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

If the alertbox message has HTML tags, especially a <p> tag, then the icon is moved to the top:


Comments (4)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    The "strip tags" option is on by default ffor this reason, I think there is a note in the settings.

    We need the ability to add html too so we can add "read more" links into messages.

    A similarissue affects the news ticker.

    We dont really want to strip those tags on the front end.

    Is there a feature in moodle to add a filter before the record is saved?

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    The issues is easy to fix. moodle editors add always by default a <p< tag to all the text.

    Adding a display: inline to the <p> tag in the alertbox fix the issue. it is already done and pending to push

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