No background image on the front page

Issue #248 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

An image from the theme settings doesn't appear on the frontpage background. I guess it is probably linked to #244 but have no idea how to make it work.


Comments (11)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    I dont think that feature was ever finished and there isnt a conventient way to apply this to the front page only, though it can be done to marketing blocks it doesnt look too good.

    Instaed I have moved this setting to the "layout" settings page.

    If you upload a generic repeatable background it will apply it to the entire site, to test you can try the one attached below.

    For that to work properly it would need some more work to apply bg colors elsewhere in the theme.


  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    The background image works not but only with something you can tile / repeat like the "stucco" image I uploaded above. You can see how this looks in the image below:


  3. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Thanks, Jeremy!

    Some ideas about styling of the background image and other elements linked to this feature:

    1. For the image itself I'd prefer to have an option along with tiles to get an effect like "background-size: cover;"; these full-size background images sometimes give nice modern look to pages.

    2. On the frontpage the background is covered by the full width white area (on the screenshot I've colored it in grey to distinguish from the main region background; actually it's white). It seems that this area has a basic "body" color that spoils the general look and effect from the background. frontpage_background_image.png

    3. Block headers stand too close to the left block border; it becomes visible when the page background contrasts with the block, see the screenshot. Yet on your screenshot above the block headers are placed quite well and even accompanied by icons. Any ideas how can I get them? course_section.png

  4. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    I've found the setting for block heading icons, but the padding (or indent) still needs some attention.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    The padding is there on my install (see screen shot below), have you overridden .block .header padding in custom css?


  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    Regards point 2 with the background image on the front page set marketblocksbackgroundcolor to "transparent". If you look at the screen shot below you will see this is now the default value on installation, but as you were already using the theme this setting was not applied.


  7. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Thanks, Jeremy! The custom style with no left padding was there and I've successfully commented it. Now I have to check the consequences since the style was added by Fernando as he supplied me with the first version of the customized BCU theme helping me to start using it for my project. Sure he had reasons to place it there. The background color was also a part of the legacy and set to white. I've returned it to transparent with a nice predictable result. Thanks again for your support.

  8. Jeremy Hopkins

    Whats the URL of your site, I would be intersted to take a look with it running these changes?

  9. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    It'd be great honor to get you as a visitor and inspector:). I usually play with a test site where I set up the theme, courses and activities, test it with some real students and then move to production site. As it's behind the login I've made you a user there with login:jeremy.hopkins, one-time password:diiBAj6df9 and a dummy email address. The URL is in Cyrillic http://тримаршрута.рф, if it fails then xn--80aawqsdakgj7c.xn--p1ai/ should bring you to the login page.

    Also your are a 'student' of a test course that is a real sandbox for all my experiments, no real students are allowed there. I'll let you know every time I make changes that might be interesting to you.

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