Spanish Translation

Issue #252 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Spanish Translation

Comments (5)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Are you going to re-factor the lang file before beginning this? It would make sense to clean that up first.

    Also there are some arrays for settings with English strings, the one I just aded to choose wehther social icons load in a new window or not is a case in point. It would be possible to draw these from lang strings too but am not sure if that is necessary?

  2. Alexander Goryntsev

    When you finish pls. give me guidelines so that I could do the same for the Russian translation.

  3. Info 3bits reporter

    You can start the translation using the english version. The steps to create a new translation are:

    • Duplicate the /lang/en folder
    • Rename the new folder to the desired language using the ISO 639-1 /lang/ISO-code and in case of doubt, use the same code that moodle displays beside the language name in the Language Pack selection or the lang menu.
    • Translate the file: theme_adaptable.php using an editor with unicode option.
    • Once finished, create a pull request or send the file to us and will be glad to add it to the theme and mention you in the Credits

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