Quiz settings spill out of the main region

Issue #268 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

I've been working on a quiz settings and noticed that some dropdown fields are out of the main region area, see the screenshot. I guess we could save place here on the date and time fields width that is more than really needed. The month dropdown requires more cautious approach as month names have different length is different languages.


Comments (15)

  1. Info 3bits

    This problem was already fixed because in some browsers worked well and in others the main region spill out when the content is wider than the region.

    Please, update the theme and let me know if it works. If not i would need the browser used to verify it.

  2. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    I use Firefox and even after having pulled the latest changes from the git the issue stays as before.

    I dared to play with the 'select' element style adding select {width: auto;} to custom CSS. Otherwise I'd consider changing the mere element style as a rather bold endeavor - but so far it brings desirable results without any bad consequences for other site areas - see the screenshot. Yet it should be a more smart and safe solution.


  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    I am sorry for the late response on this, can you post the code you have in your custom css field please? It will be an easy fix, but if you have the css already it will save some time.

  4. sali


    Firstly, thank you for this great theme and the very good support.

    I've been using/testing the theme and have come a few ares that need some fine tuning. (This issue was one of them) I'll post the others as individual issues for easier management.

    I'm currently using Moodle 2.9 and Adaptable version: covuni-moodle-theme_adaptable-a99effe0c7a1

    I'm not sure if it's related but the same issue as reported here occurs on the Browse list of users page (Site administration - Users - Accounts - Browse list of users) when a filter is being added.


  5. sali


    Browse List of Users is much better now. Thank you.

    The Quiz is also much better with the exception of one drop-down field that has a very long value and so still overlaps.


    What Gareth has done in Essential is make the field shorter but when clicked then it extends. This way the drop-down arrow on the right is still accessible and not under the menu block on the right.


    In the meantime, we could always dock the menu or minimize it when we want to access the drop-down.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Sali,

    Part of the code submitted for this change broke the admin pages so I just put that back. Can you see whether the issue in Quiz is still ok or whether that is now broken again?

  7. sali
    • Quiz seem to be okay (except for the single long field).
    • Marketing blocks page is okay.
    • List of users is okay.
    • Lesson alignment is good.
    • Select missing words question type is okay but I think it was better a little while ago. The group drop-down is a good size but the layout is a bit spacey and not in line with "Choices".
  8. Info 3bits

    The solution applied in #247 is the only valid. Any other form that could spill out is a moodle bug. For example the Mail Settings age display a select with a long text that spill out.

    #268 made a regression that broken the rest of forms.

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