No English language strings for translation in AMOS.

Issue #271 duplicate
German Valero created an issue

Hi, I tried to translate your new adaptable theme plugin ( ) in AMOS ( ) but AMOS does not have the strings available for translations to any language.

The cause is usually a coding error as stated in

Thanks in advance for your help.

Comments (5)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi German,

    I am closing this ticket as David Mudrák from Moodle.Org already raised this in ticket #270. We will fix this in the next couple of days.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi German,

    I think Fernando fixed this earlier, could you download latest version from Moodle.Org and see whether its ok now?

  3. German Valero reporter

    Strings are available for translation at AMOS,

    BUT the plugin downloadable ZIP file at cointains the spanish language translation. Please see issue #270.


    Just the English strings should ship with the plugin. All other translations are supposed to be submitted as contributions at once your plugin is approved - see Translating plugins at

    I would strongly advise you to write to the international spanish language pack maintainer before trying to upload a large number of strings in AMOS. Please see

    " If you are a bilingual (or multilingual) developer of a Moodle plugin, please send your strings of languages other than English to the language pack maintainer(s).

    Bear in mind that If a language pack maintainer gets a contribution with 250 strings of various modules, that is a nightmare to review :( "

    Thanks again. Saludos desde la Ciudad de México.

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