Undefined property in block layout, marketing layout, slider options, and footer layout

Issue #296 resolved
Hartmut Scherer created an issue

I tested Adaptable version 2016012502 in our life site by using "Allow theme changes by using URL," when I got a message (see attachment) with undefined property for block layouts, marketing layouts, slider options and footer layout.

Comments (16)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Thanks Hartmut,

    That will help. I have seen this before, it shoudl go away once you set the theme up properly. Its caused by the admin settings using a loop and potentially not finding what it needs to, I need to do some more work on that.

  2. Hartmut Scherer reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for the updated version of Adaptable. I could only briefly test the new version of Adaptable as I will be teaching in a few minutes. I will be back after 90 minutes. After the installation I went straight to my dashboard and got this error message: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slideroption2 in /home/pibceduc/public_html/theme/adaptable/settings/frontpage_slider.php on line 71

    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slideroption2 in /home/pibceduc/public_html/theme/adaptable/settings/frontpage_slider.php on line 105

    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slideroption2 in /home/pibceduc/public_html/theme/adaptable/settings/frontpage_slider.php on line 71

    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slideroption2 in /home/pibceduc/public_html/theme/adaptable/settings/frontpage_slider.php on line 105

    With kind regards, Hartmut

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Thanks Hartmut,

    I will look at that too, there is another change I can make which should resolve this. I will let you know when that is done.

  4. Hartmut Scherer reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    I did more testing. You really improved the theme a lot. Cron is running properly now. I only got one more debug message before I logged in.

    Undefined property: stdClass::$market1 in /home/pibceduc/public_html/theme/adaptable/renderers.php on line 650

    The same undefined property is also reported for market 2 - 11. The theme itself is very good and I like what you have been doing.

    With kind regards, Hartmut

  5. Stephan Göldi

    Hi Jeremy,

    Really nice theme, thank you for this and your effort to fix this bug. I've the same as Hartmut here on a test server.

    Best regards Stephan

  6. Stephan Göldi

    Hi Jeremy,

    It's fine in my Moodle. I completly uninstall the theme and reinstall it from your master.zip. I get a lot of notifications when I turn on developers debug messages. error_adaptable.png

    Of course I purged the cache as well.

    Moodle-Version: 3.0.2+ (Build: 20160121)

  7. Hartmut Scherer reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    I downloaded and installed the latest version of Adaptable and didn't see any debug messages so far. Thanks a lot for the fix.

    With kind regards Hartmut

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