Blurred forum avatars

Issue #298 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

I reported this issue for BCU theme before.

Users' avatars in forum posts are displayed in low resolution, see the screenshot. Studying the code I find that the style attribute sets the dimensions as 35px, while the CSS makes it 50px that results in this blurry effect.

Any solution?


Comments (9)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    Moodle stores two profile images on the path /f1? (larger image) and /f2? (smaller image). If you right click and "view image" in your browser and change the url from "f2" to "f1" you will see it load the larger image. I think this is coming from the base theme and will have to find out how to override it.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    You should find forum profile images are better now, could you test it and let me know if it works ok?

  3. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Hi, Jeremy! Looks great now, thank you! There're some other rather minor issues with avatars, I'm going to post them soon. Probably they're worth attention as well.

  4. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Hi, Jeremy! It seems that this solution works fine when you are on the forum page. But I've noticed that when forum posts are displayed on the front page in collapsed view the avatars are still blurred, see the screenshot. Maybe there is another style applied for them here. You can investigate this on the frontpage of my site after login.

    Can we improve it?


  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    There is a rule in the code to only apply this change within a forum, that is to stop it resizeing all avatars across all pages in the site.

    I will have to look at adding another rule to apply it to the frontpage too, but that could be tricky as it may affect logged in users block.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    You should find (if you test latest version) that the news posts on the front page now use the larger profile image and will no longer be blurred.

    Please let me know if this is ok now.

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