Long course names spill over in My Courses dropdown menu

Issue #304 resolved
sali created an issue

As shown in the image:


Comments (19)

  1. sali reporter


    This one works well when the hidden courses are disabled but when enabled then one dot still extends beyond the drop down.


  2. sali reporter

    Have been regularly purging the cache - with each batch of testing ,,, here's the latest screen shot...


    Now it also looks the same with the hidden courses disabled.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Can you try again after downloading latest version from bit bucket please. Also what browser are you using?

  4. sali reporter


    Just noticed that there is still a little spillover as in this case:


    There are 30 characters displayed but as the font is not fixed-width and there are a couple m's it seems to have spilled over.

    I was wondering if the "..." needs to be included when the full course name is displayed as in "Library"?


  5. Info 3bits

    The physical length of the string depends of: the font kerning, the character width and the number of characters.

    The string is truncated to 30 characters but if you use a font with a big kerning or wider characters then the total length spills out the dropdown.

    Since a big kerning font is not recommended for content, and condensed as well, try to use a Open Sans. Roboto, Lato, Raleway and many other that have a normal kerning and width.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    I will add an admin setting so length can be adjusted for different fonts. With the current setting our own install is not making best use of the space since it was reduced for this issue.

  7. sali reporter

    It's the default Open Sans for the main font - I haven't changed it.

    I've just changed Headers font to PT Sans and the Site Title font is set to Della Respira.

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