Increase font size range for Top Menu & Navigation bar

Issue #316 resolved
Usman Asar created an issue

Current Range for both is 10px - 16px, can this be increased to 10 - 20 for both? or remove selector all together like in case of Site Title Font Size, which ever is easier.

Comments (8)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    I have added more options to this list, but the reason they stopped at 16 previously is because larger fonts didnt work too well. We were using lists to ensure correct values are entered and avoid css being broken.

  2. Usman Asar reporter

    Cheers Jeremy, I know you did everything on purpose, and keeping at 16 even was serving the purpose, but then few of the WordPress sites I saw with large graphics/sliders, their Navigation have slightly larger Font, (18/20) that is why I asked for it. Thanks again, appreciated!

  3. Usman Asar reporter

    Hi jeremy,

    sorry for bothering again, I did tested it, the 16px option is gone replaced with 20px, rather than adding to it. Also, choosing 20px option keeps the font as same as it was when 16px was selected, absolutely no change in font sizefontsize.png

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Sorry that was a really silly mistake on my part, if you try again it should be working now.

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