Include Font Awesome in the theme

Issue #334 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Include Font Awesome in the theme instead of download from the CDN.

Comments (8)

  1. Usman Asar

    Jez, wont it be better this way? loading FA from CDN? as it keeps theme size pretty small for so much in package.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    FA is already loaded from their CDN and I dont have a problem with that as long as it doesnt go down.

    I think this issue was raised as a result of someone trying to run it on a LAN without external internet access. I dont think the theme size (as in download) is a concern. I do think it should be an option to load via cdn or locally though, as its one less thing our Moodle servers have to deliver and I doubt there are many people running on a LAN without internet access.

  3. Usman Asar

    That I remember nadirshah running it from localhost and having issues, regarding dual option I remember Essential came with both local and CDN font loading, later on Gareth changed it to local only, but keeping both would be good in terms of readily update of fonts as when loaded from CDN.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    I would not object to it being local only if there are issues with supporting both as an option.

  5. Info 3bits reporter

    The issue rise after an user request it in the moodle forum. The truth is that all the themes I know include FA in a folder.

    Personally I think CDN is the best way because I understand that a server is connected to internet and can download the font. Also, Adaptable uses Google Fonts that need Internet connectivity.

    But, some time ago I made moodle sites running in an USB drive. In this case, FA could be integrated in the theme and use the default font.

    So we need to evaluate the integration or not in the theme.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    If other themes include FA and this is established practice for Moodle themes then I think we should just follow that. I guess there are schools around the world only allowing LAN access.

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