No top border in some blocks

Issue #340 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

There're no top borders in 'site/course description' and 'html' blocks. See the screenshot.

I've repaired it having drawn the border in html code of the blocks; probably a more clever solution is required.


Comments (10)

  1. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    I know the answer. These blocks have no heading, so if the dashed line I expected to see is specified as a top heading border - I get nothing. I could specify it as a top main block border, but it adds an extra line below headings to the blocks, where the heading is present.

    I'd suggest to include the block heading area INTO the main block area so that the top main block border would appear really on top of everything in the block. I can draw some sketches to make myself clear.

  2. Info 3bits

    I see what you mean. If the block has title then the border is displayed. If the block has no title then the border is not displayed.

    I will try to fix it.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    The borders were applied to the block title and the body of the block so they could be styled independently. So, if you just want a border around your block header you can do that without having to have the border around the entire block. If you wanted border around entire block that could be done with the settings for the main body of the block.

    Actually I see a problem in the old code where it seemed to be using the wrong variables, and the features still seem to be working. I think perhaps these other styles were supposed to be applied in the block content area?

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Ok as it is now you cannot style the block header properly, I think the error was actually under " .block {" which is using settings intended for the header section onlly.

    I will take a look at this later and try to fix.

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