Create a new breadcrumb

Issue #350 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Create a simple breadcrumb with the same settings and adding a separator based in FA.

The existing is having many stability problems and also can break the page in some situations.

Comments (16)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Yes I think we should do this, the current breadcrumbs were always a bit of a nuisance brought about by trying to follow BCU internal branding which we no longer need to adhere to.

    If breadcrumbs can be simplified and made more reliable it would be a big improvement.

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    The idea would be to add 4 settings:

    • background colour
    • text colour
    • icon separator from FA (some of the directional icons)
    • font size
  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hopefully using FA icons would help and the other settings would be useful. If the style has to be altered somewhat to achieve this then that would not be an issue.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Have you tried this with "angle-right" instead of "chevron-right"? Personally I think it looks cleaner with angle-right, see screen shot below:


  5. Info 3bits reporter

    Changed the default to 'angle-right'.

    The padding around the icon is difficult to control because each icons has different width.

    Not sure if fa-fw class will solve the problem.

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