Grader Report: Icons in webkit overlapping.

Issue #354 resolved
Brendon Rich created an issue

We have noticed when in the Grader Report using webkit based browsers, the icons for editing etc are overlapping one another and are impossible to use. Firefox and IE are fine.

After some experimenting we found that disabling "max-width: 100%;" on .img class fixes the issue.

We are not sure what side effect disabling this will have so this might not be the right thing to do.

Is this a issue that others are seeing too?

My apologies if this has been posted before.


Comments (6)

  1. Info 3bits

    max-width can't be removed because is part of the responsive feature.

    Could you test the gradebook in Clean?

  2. Brendon Rich reporter

    It was working fine in clean, at least for us. I made sure to look before posting here.

    I have since added the following to our theme which seems to address the issue without creating more problems. "Seems to" being the most important part of that statement!

    .gradereport-grader-table img{ max-width: none; }

    I hope that helps. I am also interested to hear if you do not see the issue at all.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Brendon,

    Thanks very much for submitting that fix and sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I just tested that in Chrome and it seems to fix the issue without breaking it in Firefox or IE so I just committed that change. I dont have Safari to test with at the moment, can you tell me whether you tested on that?

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