Request for increase in: My Courses Max Length

Issue #370 resolved
sali created an issue


I would like to kindly request that the maximum Course length (mysitesmaxlength) be increased from 40 to 60.

Some of our courses have long names and it's difficult to differentiate between them e.g. Course with a somewhat long title - Level 1 Course with a somewhat long title - Level 2 Course with a somewhat long title - Level 3

Where the Levels are usually truncated and it's not easy to differentiate between courses.

I have the value set to 40 and I added the following to the Custom CSS box and it appears to work fine for our purposes:

.dropdown-menu > li > a { white-space: normal; }

The long courses are wrapped onto the next line but it still cuts the name of the courses with the very long names.

(I hope this CSS is okay and won't have any unwanted effect on other things.)

To test it, I changed the value for mysitesmaxlength to 60 in the database and it works quite nicely, but it gives an error on the settings page and is reset to the default (30) whenever that page is "saved".

Hoping that the change may be implemented.

Thank you.

Comments (2)

  1. Info 3bits

    The length of the title depends of many variables:

    • the font used
    • the font weight
    • the font size
    • screen size
    • screen resolution

    So it is impossible to find solution for this problem because where you can see the complete title others can see part of the title because they do not use the same screen resolution.

    We already fixed some issue related to this. See Issue #376

  2. Joe Downes

    Our site is having the same issue. We use a lot of long course names because we name things using the standard of qualification name followed by unit name e.g. HNC Computer Science - Web Development Tools.

    All too often the name is cut off as shown:


    Compare this with the BCU theme of the same instance:


    Also it does not seem to be an issue with screen resolution as it displays the same no matter how high the resolution is.

    Hope you can shed some more light on this for us.

    Many thanks

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