Fix bugs and Improve header settings

Issue #376 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Site title is displayed twice even set to hide.


  • Fix duplicate title display described above
  • Move code to renderer
  • Split font settings for site title and course title
  • Add padding settings for site and course titles
  • Move setting for using search or social icons into header settings
  • Add padding option for search box in header settings
  • Move course title max width to header settings
  • Add setting for title height (main area containing logo and titles)
  • Update language strings with references to other relevant settings pages
  • Adjust default values for install
  • Remove older settings no longer required (check box for enabling social icons and old padding setting for site title)
  • Clean up array definitions using loops instead of hard coded arrays

Comments (8)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    I have made quite a few changes as part of this issue. I have tested it and it looks ok. One thing to watch out for is the chages I made to the array definitions, if there are errors in this some settings will not display. I have been through these and checked for problems as I went along but will go back and double check they are all working ok.

    On a side note I had thought we would be better off with a couple of functions to build arrays for settings making it easier to alter the number of values in a list from the actual setting as a parameter.

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