Navbar caching "this course" list at site level

Issue #419 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The navbar has a caching option which is set to work at site level. The "this course" option is not working as it is cached for whicever course you access when the cache is set. Usually this will be the Moodle front page on login which means it will not appear at all.

"This course" needs to cache at course level or be excluded from the cache all together.

Comments (3)

  1. Richard Schwarz

    I've found (due to a related error - Issue #475) that setting the theme cache to 0 overrides this issue and makes the 'This Course' menu work as intended.

  2. Richard Schwarz

    "This is a cache issue. You can disable the navbar cache and will works well. Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Adaptable > Header Navbar and set Navbar Cache Time to 0"

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