Glossary 'printer-friendly version' link is on the wrong spot

Issue #425 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

Is it possible to move it upwards so that the link wouldn't appear above the glossary description area?


Comments (7)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Alex,

    If you put the following into "adaptable > custom css & js" it will put the print option where you want it:

    #page-mod-glossary-view .glossarycontrol {
         margin-top: -40px;

    I am not sure whether to make this change in code yet as if you have a long title for the glossary it will spill over particularly on smaller screens.

  2. Info 3bits

    In my opinion, this is a better solution:

    #intro.generalbox {
        width: 100%;
    #page-mod-glossary-view .glossarycontrol {
        margin: 10px 5px 0 0;

    I need to verify the impact of the change in other places so i will not apply the change for the moment.

  3. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Thank you, guys! I've combined both your solutions.

    First of all I think it's a great idea to make #intro.generalbox full main-region width, I was always upset seeing that an activity description was displayed on a kind of small plaque. I'm sure we have to implement this change disregarding to this glossary issue but being more careful with setting width/margin/padding for the #intro.generalbox; the screenshot below shows that the #intro area spills out of the main-region if I just make the width 100%. So far I've made it 97% but it should be a more clever solution to make it both exactly and responsive full main-region width.

    The margin-top:10px for #page-mod-glossary-view .glossarycontrol as Fernando suggests again placed the link over the description area so I move it upwards with margin-top: -40px following Jeremy's advice.



  4. Info 3bits

    #intro.generalbox is applied in some activities like Wiki, Glossary, Database, .. that have a header with some information in the top of the page.

    So the impact of the change could be high. Then, the proposal made by Jeremy is the best because the print option is only used in the Glossary. The Wiki has a similar icon but totally different classes and id.

    I would apply this change:

    #page-mod-glossary-view .glossarycontrol {
        margin: -40px 5px;

    Alex, could you test it in russian? I will do it also in spanish and then apply the change to the master.

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