Remove breadcrumb in Dashboard

Issue #46 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The breadcrumb has been removed from the Dashboard and the login page. It is totally useless especially when you login directly to it. In the login page is too obvious.

Comments (10)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Without the breadcrumb the top border of the blocks is right below the bottom border of the navigaition menu (see attached).

    I think it will need some padding on this page?


  2. Info 3bits

    Yes, I saw this double line and it is an issue regarding the sections border. I remember to fix it in the past. I will take a look.

  3. Info 3bits

    Please, review lines 1-16 in blocks.css. There are several border properties that can display a wrong line.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    A suggestoion for this would be:

    1. Add an option to hide breadcrumb (default no, i.e. default is show breadcrumb)
    2. With a setting detectable it would be possible to add an empty div or similar to pad out the top

    Thus the line would still be visible but it would look better having some space between the two.

  5. Info 3bits

    The double line displayed is the block divider line. We can't remove this line so the best choice is to add some empty div instead the breadcrumb.

    Something similar happens in the Logout page. The login looks well and use the column1 layout but the logout page display a grey bar. So no idea what layout is using.

    I need to investigate because probably is a moodle bug.

  6. Info 3bits

    Closed for the moment.I can't find a good solution because the same layout works different depending the page.

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