Student pictures narrowed in some listings using adaptable theme

Issue #517 resolved
Jose Rivas created an issue

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Comments (15)

  1. Jose Rivas Account Deactivated reporter

    ok, sorry, some , not a lot of, listings. I'll upload some more. The listings are related with the one attached: a list os students with picture and other data in tabular format.

  2. Info 3bits

    Thanks for the screenshot but is not clear where the issue is.

    Are you using an external plugin? Is the attendance plugin? What adaptable version is installed?

  3. Jose Rivas Account Deactivated reporter

    The issue is in the vertical orange rectangle. The pictures are narrower than it should. One of the plugins is attendance, the other is cuestionnaires.

  4. Info 3bits

    Both are extensions so it is not a direct theme issue. We'll take a look but it is not a critical theme issue.

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