Breadcrumbs do not display last item

Issue #521 resolved
Jose Rivas created an issue

See attachments:

curso1.jpg: The title doesn't appear in breadcrumbs when user in first tab curso2.jpg: The title appears in breadcrumbs when user in second tab

The course title appears in the breadcrumbs when in other tabs than first.

Comments (15)

  1. Info 3bits

    Adaptable only supports the default topics/weeks format and Socialwall. Other formats are not supported yet.

    Anyway, it looks a moodle issue. Please, test the same using clean instead Adaptable to verify the issue and post the result here. In case we consider to add this format to Adaptable we will fix it if needed.

    We expect to add more course formats, one topic included, in the future.

  2. Jose Rivas Account Deactivated reporter

    I attached with clean theme and it seems updating more properly, the course name is always in breadcrumbs.

    Thankyou for your work.

    Off topic: Do you know some good reference to programming moodle (besides

  3. Info 3bits

    Thanks for your request and testing. Will keep in mind the issue when adding One Topic format to Adaptable in a future version.

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