Sitewide font size changed

Issue #530 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

After one of the latest updates I noticed that:

  1. Font size in the most my content areas has got smaller than it was before.
  2. In blocks the font size is decreasing from higher to lower levels in the lists, see the screenshot. It doesn't look bad in general but deep lower levels are displayed so tiny that makes them hardly readable.

I guess it happens as the font size 95% is specified in one rule for sitewide <p>, <ul> and other tags in line; when I turn this rule off the site gets its original look as before with the font size specified just for <body> tag.

Is it worth improving?


Comments (4)

  1. Info 3bits

    Probably the p, ul, ol, dl, input, textarea, select selectors are unnecessary but we think the issue is more related to

    On the other hand, the final result depends also of the browser used. FF and Chrome render in a different way the size in % but it is the recommended unit.

    Will test several approach to get the best result

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