File picker pop up window layout glitch

Issue #563 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

Looks similar to #543, apparently the same reason.


Comments (4)

  1. Info 3bits

    Alexander, what moodle version are you testing?

    moodle 3.2 has light changes in the file picker and maybe we changed some style applied also to the file picker.

  2. Info 3bits

    What's exactly the issue? It is not related to the file picker. Please, post your questions in the moodle forum. The issue tracker is only for bugs.

  3. Info 3bits

    File Picker has many responsive problems. It is not working in screen sizes smaller than 1024px

    I don't see a problem because we hope the admin or the teacher are using a bigger screen size than 1024px when create a course.

    If you try the same with Clean you will get many problems to manage the files.

    I close it for the moment because I don't see the direct relationship with Adaptable.

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