Add Course Alerts Page

Issue #570 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

PR 21 provides code for adding a banner to a course if it is hidden.

I know from experience this is a very useful feature and would like to integrate this.

Beyond simply warning if the page is hidden I would add options to prompt for course image and course summary to be completed, particularly in Adaptable where the front page of the site relies on course summary images to render the tiles.

So, in addition to the settings provided in PR 21 I would add additional settings so that alerts are displayed (optionally) if:

  1. course is hidden
  2. there is no course summary
  3. there is no course image

Comments (6)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    The following strings will need checking in ca / es language packs, I am adding them using Google translate.

    • $string['alertsettingscourse']
    • $string['alerttypedisabled'];
    • $string['alerttypedisabledesc'];
    • $string['alerthiddencourse']
    • $string['alerthiddencoursedesc']*
    • $string['alerthiddencoursetext-1']
    • $string['alerthiddencoursetext-2']
  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter
    • changed status to open

    Check for hidden course has been added, opening as checks for summary are not present yet, these require capability check.

    Also there is bug on the dismis feature of these alerts.

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