langmenu dropdown aligned to left -- added as an option??

Issue #58 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Changed to 2-characters codification to fix the problem


Is this still an issue or can bit be marked resolved?

Comments (23)

  1. Info 3bits

    If the langmenu is located in the right side there are problems with some languages.


    The lang menu could be located in the left side or moved beside the login button.

    Add the default menu label is also needed.

    Change the flag for the globe icon will be more coherent with other sites.

  2. Info 3bits

    Since the langmenu is not used in all the sites, my proposal is to move the menu to the top left corner and then move the messages to the navbar menu that includes all the user options.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Being honest I am not keen on that idea, I think messages are better where they are. Also there is an issue with the navbar getting a bit crowded. An alternative could be:

    1. move the new menus left
    2. put messages and language next to the user dropdown top right

    Originally the idea was that user related info would be in the top section of the header which we have deviated from with the additional menu items and language setting. If we were to group lang, messages and user together it would make more sense.

    It would solve another gremlin which is if you used nested links in "top menu 1" like:

    1. menu item
    2. sub menu item
    3. sub sub menu item

    the sub items spill off the page, thus moving those left would be better.

    I have attached a screen shot of how this may look, please let me know your thoughts.


  4. Info 3bits

    I think the best option is beside the login. See

    The 2-characters for the language title can't be applied because can break using some languages but as a general solution could be good.

    By other hand, the #above-header height should be increased. In the sample, the top padding is 20px to get more space in mobile devices. The usability for mobiles is not only to increase the font size, also the space.

    Don't know why to add so much menus. In general, the default moodle menu is used rarely. To have one more could be good idea but is enough. Many users are confused when they have too much menu items. Now there are two in the header plus the blocks (main menu, navigation and administration).

    Let me know how do you want to solve the langmenu issue.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I think that is a better idea, if you just want to put the language link there for now and worry about messages later than just do that. It makes more sense as then the entire top section of the menu is about the user.

    As for menus, some sites have a lot of links in blocks which make a mess... As for the number, they can be targeted by custom profile field the idea being you can show different menus to different users, i.e. no one would see all of those menus, just the ones they were supposed to. The obvious example would be to setup "menu 1" for staff and "menu 2" for students (renaming them accordingly. Thus all users would only see ONE menu.

    Unfortunately Moodle doesnt have a feature to do this at the moment, so adding more menus is a bit of a work around, but am sure that would actually be useful in a lot of schools and Universities where Moodle is the most heavily used system and the one people want to link other services from.

    Anyway... if you just want to move the lang menu next to login / user and leave the messages alone for now I think that would be best.

  6. Info 3bits

    Ok, I think is the best choice.

    Can you add the default language title in the render? Now only the flag is displayed. Change the flag for the globe icon would be good too.

  7. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    This is not working on my test system, I just checked header.php to check your changes were pulled down but I still see lang in the navbar and not in the header.

  8. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    To alter the icon go to line 643 of renderers.php change

    <i class="fa fa-flag">


    <i class="fa fa-globe fa-lg">

    Which will give it a larger icon (globe looks very small otherwise.

    I am not sure what you meant by "Can you add the default language title in the render?" ?

    Do you mean you want the <title> attribute setting for accessibility? If so do you know which lang string it is (i can have a look if you dont).

  9. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Ok I found the problem:

    1. The font color is the same as the backround which is why I could not see it
    2. The original lang menu has not been removed


  10. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I am very sorry but I still dont get this:

    "No language beside the icon while moodle always display the default language name."

    I am afraid I have never worked with multiple languages

  11. Info 3bits

    Take a look to

    The globe icon is alone. No language name beside. I see you have it but not me. So not sure where is the problem because I never modified the renderer. Just now for the icon change.

    Anyway, the globe icon takes the colours from the link colours when should be the header. I will try to fix the the colours and the language name.

  12. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Ok I see what you mean. I added "globe" locally on my copy, git still has flag. I will have another look at this later.

  13. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    So on this site did you modify the renderer, or get one from somewhere else (I know you said you had not modified the renderer)? Is that site running the same code base we are working on?

  14. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Those last commits removed the old location and I can now see a different colour applied but not the one used in the rest of the menu:


  15. Info 3bits

    Do yu mean or ?

    ari theme was created for a client that use only 2 languages (en & de) and we could hack the renderer to display the 2-character code instead the full name.

    But this hack doesn't work with all the languages and moodle don't provide any language code as far we know. But the truth is that looks more clean than "Español - internacional" (I never understood why international)

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