block-side left doesn't fit with region-main (M3.2)

Issue #582 resolved
Björn Bettzüche created an issue

With block-side = left, the main region falls below the block region.

Affected versions: M3.2, Adpt.1.3. caused by css for #region-main

Comments (12)

  1. Björn Bettzüche reporter

    It's a general problem on every page with the block region aside and with any resolution. But: only with the centered "default view". No Problem with full screen mode.

  2. Björn Bettzüche reporter

    Following more information... Setting: Adaptable / Layout / Location of the blocks (blockside) = Left side? & Adaptable / Layout / Default to full screen view = No Every page is affected by the behavior as shown below.

    Screenwidth: 2030px blocks1.PNG

    Use the navbar button to switch into full screen view: blocks2.PNG

    Change the screen width to <= 1510 px: blocks3.PNG

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