Font settings for topics header are not applied

Issue #601 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue
  • fonttitlenamecourse
  • fonttitlesizecourse
  • fonttitleweightcourse

are not found in the styles.

Comments (8)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    This must have been removed at some point when it should not have been.

    In the current version the course title only displays if you choose to display the site title which is not good.

    We need to be able to display and format the course titles independently of the site title.

    In older versions of the theme the course title was in id titlecontainer.

    In this version it has moved into sitetitle

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    line 1419 of renderers.php is testing against the site title being "default" before testing how you want the course title should be displayed, so you cannot display the course title at all unless you have the stite title switched on.

    I think all the code for rendering the course title needs to be moved out of that block, it should not be dependent on the site title settings.

    Edit: I see this is how core Moodle works too, but that is not really very good as you should not have to display the site title to get course title when you are using a log image in place of the site title.

    Also, if you are using a site title on the front page you should be able to make the font larger than the course titles which need to be smaller as they are often much longer.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    I just raised #628 to work on the display rules for the course title.

    Once that is done I suggest re-visiting this issue and decide whether:

    1) To delete the currently un used settings 2) Add a separate style for course title

    The benefit of taking the second option is that you can display a large site title "Top Training Inc" as you know it is short whilst still allowing for longer course title names.

    In short course titles can be very long particularly on University sites whereas the site title is usually very short, thus it makes sense to have two styles.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    I fixed #628 and dont think that we need to add different classes for course titles, we have done without them thus far so I will remove the options mentioned here.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    Fix #601 removing un used settings for course titles.

    Course titles are set along with the site title.

    Updated English lang strings for site titles to reflect they also set the course title in the header. May need to update other languages strings also.

    → <<cset a46f50f5905b>>

  6. Jeremy Hopkins
    • changed status to open

    I have removed these settings and updated the english language strings to reflect the fact that both site and course titles are set by the same settings.

    I have re-opened this in case you want to update ca and es language packs too.

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