Fix Block Rendering when Left Aligned

Issue #651 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Adaptable allows the blocks to be left or right aligned and users have asked for us to move this navigation left, however when we do this on mobile bocks are rendered above the content which forces us to right align our blocks. If it is possible we would like this issue resolved so that regardless of whether blocks are set to left or right align in the theme settings they always appear below course content on mobile.

Comments (5)

  1. Bas Brands

    Working on this issue now, I was wondering, does theme adaptable support RTL languages. And should blocks be flipped when a RTL language is chosen?

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I do not know if the theme supports RTL, it is not something I ever intentionally worked on and have not heard Fernando mention this.

    I am not sure whether you would want the blocks to switch were that the case?

    I guess the answer really depends on the level of effort involved, my opinion is that this is a "nice to have" and not something we need to spend time on at this point.

  3. Info 3bits

    As far I remember BCU was not compatible with RTL and we never added any function in Adaptable.

    The only related to right/left is issue #478 and already fixed.

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