Improve Activity Chooser

Issue #670 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The activity chooser is not working well in the theme particularly on smaller screens. The theme would benefit from re-styling the activity chooser along the lines of snap theme as shown in the image below making it wider / cleaner:


Comments (7)

  1. Manoj Solanki

    Currently, following an update to icons related to this issue #665, activities show on two lines instead of one, so this also needs to be fixed.

  2. Manoj Solanki

    I've read through this forum post and looked at the Moodle tracker here:

    Looks like any progress just stopped a few months ago. The repo isn't available. Also I found it looked a little confusing and not too intuitive. The forum post provided some useful food for thought. As a start I'm going to look at Snap theme and improve the styling.

    We could allow users to configure their favourite activities so only these show up initially, with the option to expand and show all. Any thoughts on that?

  3. Info 3bits

    I see was stopped by Moodle HQ so do not expect they will solve it quickly. In moodle 3.2 they added a feature requested 12 years ago.

    I think this is a moodle core question and themes should not "rewrite" the default, just re-style.

    But as I said, moodle HQ is not interested to improve this feature.

    In the moodle forum thread there are several solutions. We could contact developers to know if they want to add his code to Adaptable instead rewrite from scratch.

  4. Manoj Solanki

    I will work on styling anyway.

    I have an idea where I think the chooser could be intelligent enough to display popular activities at the top of the chooser, with a button to expand and show other activities.

    This would be governed by their actual usage. So the more they choose activities, the more popular they become. So then it's very individual to each installation where the most popular activities could be different. It would be a great feature for Adaptable IMO. It's a fair amount of work plus perhaps it's something that would be great in core. Something to think about anyway.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I think the first step is just to get the current core activity chooser working properly.

    Like Fernando I dont think adding functionality to the activity chooser is something that should be done in a theme.

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