requires wrong version in branch version-1.3.2-2017050200

Issue #686 closed
Marc Charbonneau created an issue

in renderers.php, on line 117, the code calls "section_title_without_link", but this is not available in MOODLE_30_STABLE, only in MOODLE_31_STABLE.

This creates a coding_exception in MOODLE_30_STABLE: Unknown method called against theme_adaptable_format_topics_renderer :: section_title_without_link

Your $plugin->requires should be 2016052300 instead of 2015111600

Comments (4)

  1. Marc Charbonneau reporter

    To reproduce on MOODLE_30_STABLE, create a course with Topics format, and set the course layout to "Show one section per page". When you click on a topic, the exception is thrown.


  2. Info 3bits

    Thanks for your feedback. Adaptable 1.3 will be the last version available for moodle 3.0 because moodle will stop support when release 3.3 next week.

    We'll try to fix this issue in this version.

  3. Info 3bits

    Can't be replicated.

    Probably linked to #650 which applied several changes to topics format and "One section per page" and it is already fixed.

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