Google Fonts do not seem to apply properly

Issue #745 resolved
Manoj Solanki created an issue

Earlier we were testing fonts, we were able to change from audiowide / roboto slab to "open sans" but subesequently could not alter the font for the site title or even put back to defaults.

Comments (3)

  1. Info 3bits

    Could you detail the steps to reproduce the issue?

    This has been tested extensively and never noticed any issue.

  2. Manoj Solanki reporter

    Fix #745. When changing the font for the header, the changes were not immediately obvious and required purge cache. Added automatic reset of caches (as per other settings) so it should automatically show after that.

    → <<cset 51d7e187d79f>>

  3. Manoj Solanki reporter

    PS. I tested this on my local dev environment. Both 3.2 and 3.3 and was able to change fonts successfully. I test the main font, headers and title fonts just to be sure.

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