Notices / Messages over sized in module iformation plugin

Issue #747 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Please see video linked below:!Aqw_f9o-xclcg7w4iWA67hIbwLYVPw

When entering the activivity for course guide the messages / notifications are incorrectly enlarged.

Comments from developer of module information plugin:

"I confirm that it is more than likely a theme issue. There are almost no css classes in the plugins and they are all named mod_courseguide_...

And the JS is very small and it would not impact outside HTML element."

Comments (4)

  1. Info 3bits

    The icons style used is from Boostrapbase, so it is a 3rd party extension issue not from Adaptable.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    This renders fine in Boost and More, I cannot remember if More is also based on BS Base? This same issue was seen in a core page recently which Manoj fixed. I think it could be the theme but am not sure yet.

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