Option to revert to standard icon settings

Issue #755 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The following comment was posted on Moodle.Org, from what this says the admin has removed our images wanting to revert to standard and they are blurred presumably because we altered the size.

It would be useful to have a size setting for these icons anyway, something we discussed previously. That would give us more flexibility to tweak settings and also make it easier for anyone wanting to revert to core icons:

"The new forced icons are not good, especially compared to the original moodle icons. After deleting the folder to go back to the original icons some of them are blurred. Please keep the original icons or at least build in a working option to turn the new ones off. "

Comments (7)

  1. Manoj Solanki


    My thoughts exactly, to have a size setting for the icons. It's the file icons that are the issue. Anyway, the default size I would suggest is 24px for activity icons. This would also help in the event of removing the custom icons directory (as they would initially be set at the standard size used by Moodle at present).

  2. Manoj Solanki

    Fix #755. Add option for custom activity icon size and option to not use Adaptable icons (to avoid potentially blurry icons when removing pix_core and pix_plugins directories to use default Moodle icons).

    → <<cset f3c4287c5de8>>

  3. Manoj Solanki

    Please note that removing the Adptable icons directories and changing the setting to NOT use adaptable icons will require that the activity icon size be set to no more than 24px, which is the default that Moodle will try to display file icons at. Otherwise file icons will still look blurry at anything above this value. This applies to file icons because they display as png rather than svg icons and do not scale appropriately.

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