Incorrect styling of block "tree" items

Issue #828 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The menu tree in admin and navigation blocks does not style properly because of code starting on line 114 of blocks.css

/* Navigation block */
.jsenabled .block_settings .block_tree .tree_item.branch,
.block_navigation .block_tree .tree_item.branch {
    color: [[setting:linkcolor]] !important;

I believe this should be using [[setting:blocklinkcolor]] NOT setting:linkcolor

Or perhaps it should have its own setting if it is not [[setting:blocklinkcolor]]

Currently those menu tree items retain the default sitewide link color as opposed to the block settings

Comments (8)

  1. Manoj Solanki

    The cause of this was the a: selector using "!important". We should work to remove this "!important" declaration in the css in the future IF we do not wish the setting "linkcolor" to generically to be applied to a: links.

    Also, with this update, it might change the block link colours on existing sites now to whatever is set for "blocklinkcolor". It might be useful to say something about this in the next release?

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