Show Module title on Hover

Issue #847 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

It used to be the case that when you hovered over a menu item the title was set to display the full text, this was useful on the "my courses" / "my modules" list where long titles are cropped.

This has been removed, I cannot remember why, perhaps it was to fix some of the issues on mobile?

Not having this is a bit of a problem as it is hard to tell which module you need.

One approach maybe to add an options to the theme in the formn of a drop down list to determine what is displayed:

  1. short code no hover
  2. short code with full title on hover
  3. full title no hover
  4. full title with full title on hover (hover woudl show full title not cropped version)

For us I think perhaps option 2 would be better than what we have now (option 4).

I think we would want to limit the injection of title to this list and not apply it to all menus.

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