Increase the section title in the settings page

Issue #89 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

The setting title has same font size of the rest of text. Increase lightly the size and apply bold to empathize the title. Try to add some border to increase the separation.

Comments (16)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Fernando,

    Your commit a3e6d7f included the following changes which seem to have been applied to the admin settings, i.e. a 2px border has been applied below each admin setting.

    +.settingsform .form-item { + border-bottom: 2px solid #c0c0c0; + padding-bottom: 10px;

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    Yes, this change adds a border line to the settings.

    Did you find a conflict in another place?

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Its applied the border into the admin settings page, go into any admin page and you will see it:


    Its not a big issue but would be better to remove it if possible. To be honest I may not have noticed it if I hadnt been messing with admin settings when it changed and wondered if it was something I had done :-)

  4. Info 3bits reporter

    That was the goal, divide the sections. But can be done with more margin without the border. Actually use the same that blocks.

    I'm adding a heading to the sections because it begins to be a bit messy and difficult to find the setting.

    There are also some settings that need to be moved, like buttons settings in colours when they are in Buttons.

  5. Info 3bits reporter

    Jeremy, take a look now to the "Colours & Fonts" settings page and let me know your comments.

    i think that now looks better and is easier to find the setting. Anyway still needs to oprganize the setings and mayne would be better to create a page for the fonts only.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    That looks a lot better.

    There are a lot of settings in there now and another page could be added, but on the other hand it makes sense to have the fonts and colors side by side.

    I think it is ok for now, there are color pickers elsewhere, such as for the second slider option, so not all colors are actually in the colors section as it is.

  7. Info 3bits reporter

    If you take look to the Font & Colours will see that some settings settings are not in the right sections.

    There are buttons and also some other settings in the wrong section like the dividers.

    Let me know if you agree to reorganize this settings.

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