SQL error on a SQLSRV driven Moodle site

Issue #951 resolved
Luis de Vasconcelos created an issue

I'm testing the Adaptable theme $plugin->release = '1.7.1';

It generates invalid SQL for Moodle sites running on MS SQL Server in this section:


of \Moodle\theme\adaptable\classes\activity.php

It produces this sql on my test site:

SELECT a.id AS instanceid, st.*
FROM mdl_choice_answers st
JOIN mdl_choice a
ON a.id = st.choiceid
-- Get only the most recent submission.
    SELECT choiceid AS modid, MAX(id) AS maxattempt
    FROM mdl_choice_answers
    WHERE userid = '79448'
    GROUP BY modid
) AS smx
ON smx.modid = st.choiceid
AND smx.maxattempt = st.id
WHERE a.course = '997'
AND st.userid = '79448'
ORDER BY choiceid DESC, st.id DESC

The "GROUP BY modid" is invalid in SQL Server. I got the query to run in SQL Server by replacing it with GROUP BY choiceid

See https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=378251 for a more detailed description of the error and the environment that I run Moodle on.

Comments (9)

  1. Luis de Vasconcelos reporter

    It seems like I can get it to work by changing the hardcoded "modid" alias to the "$modfield" variable in \classes\activity.php:

    @@ +812,7 -812,7 @@
                        JOIN (SELECT $modfield AS modid, MAX(id) AS maxattempt
                        FROM {".$submissiontable."}
                        WHERE userid = ?
    +                     GROUP BY $modfield) AS smx
    -                     GROUP BY modid) AS smx
                        ON smx.modid = st.$modfield
                        AND smx.maxattempt = st.id

    Some initial testing seems to suggest that it works. But, is this the right way to fix it or will it cause other regressions?

  2. Info 3bits

    Could you test it at least in MySQL and if it is possible in PostgreSQL?

    If the tests are succesfull, please submit a PR and we'll integrate it to Adaptable

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