Button Font

Issue #966 resolved
Pierre S created an issue

My set up - Moodle 3.5.3 or 3.6 - Adaptable 1.7.3 - Browser: Chrome on MacOS X (10.14.1)

The problem The font of all buttons is different from my other font settings. It should be "Open Sans Condensed". I think it has to do with line 48 and 49 of 'theme/adaptable/style/button.css'.

If I change line 49 from

font-family: [[setting:customfontname]], sans-serif;


font-family: [[setting:fontname]], sans-serif;

the correct font is used for the buttons (see my screen shots, before and after changing line 49 (purged all caches in between).

Before Screenshot 2018-12-03 at 16.48.11.png

After Screenshot 2018-12-03 at 16.47.10.png

There is a second pair of fontname / customfontname on line 221 and line 222 which affect the Cancel button. If I change it too, the font is correct again (purged all caches in between).

Before Screenshot 2018-12-03 at 17.00.08.png

After Screenshot 2018-12-03 at 17.01.59.png

Comments (2)

  1. Info 3bits

    Thank you for reporting the issue. These are rest of a wrong rollback of some changes made few days ago.

    Now are reverted.

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