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ug3 / debug

Trouble shooting

Here are some tips on trouble shooting the code in case of problems.

  1. Check that you are running the latest version of the ug3 code. Do git log and compare the git hash with that on the ug3 repository site.
  2. Check that you have the latest version of ug3exa.
  3. Check that you using the correct branch of ug3.
  4. We compile EULER and NS version of code. Make sure you are using correct version for your test case.
  5. Read the output printed by ug3pre and ug3 to spot any irregularities.
  6. Run grid checks: mpirun -np 4 ./ug3 -checkgrid.
  7. Report problems on the ug3code discussion forum.
  8. Give full details of what you are doing and the steps you followed.
  9. Send output of ug3 in your message or as a text file attachment like log.txt.
