
Cameron Presley Type Provider - Providing a dynamic connection string during runtime

Updated by Cameron Presley

File Example.fs Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 open FSharp.Data
 type Game = {id:int; name:string; numPlayers:int; playTime:int; publisher:string}
+let gameOne = {id=2; name="Coup"; numPlayers=5; playTime=15; publisher=""}
+// In order to use TypeProviders, you need to provide a constant for the connection.
 let connectionString = @"Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=testDb;Integrated Security=True"
+// Default instance will use the connection string for real-time checking
 type GetAllGames = SqlCommandProvider<"Select * from Games", connectionString>
+// Default instance will use the connection string for real-time checking
 type InsertGame = SqlCommandProvider<"Insert into Games (Id, Name, NumPlayers, PlayTime, Publisher) Values(@Id, @Name, @NumPlayers, @PlayTime, @Publisher)", connectionString>
-let gameOne = {id=2; name="Coup"; numPlayers=5; playTime=15; publisher=""}
+    // This will create a type provider pointing to where the connection string is
     use insertCmd = new InsertGame() // or new InsertGame('NewConnectionString')
     insertCmd.Execute(,, gameOne.numPlayers, gameOne.playTime, gameOne.publisher) |> ignore
+    // This, on the other hand, will use the new connection. However, it does not provide any real-time checks
+    use differentInsertCmd = new InsertGame("someNewConnectionString")
+    differentInsertCmd.Execute(gameOne.Id,, gameOne.numPlayers, gameOne.playTime, gameOne.publisher) |> ignore
     use cmd = new GetAllGames ()
     cmd.Execute () |> printfn "%A"
Created by Cameron Presley

File Example.fs Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+// Need to have FSharp.Data.SqlClient package installed
+open FSharp.Data
+type Game = {id:int; name:string; numPlayers:int; playTime:int; publisher:string}
+let connectionString = @"Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=testDb;Integrated Security=True"
+type GetAllGames = SqlCommandProvider<"Select * from Games", connectionString>
+type InsertGame = SqlCommandProvider<"Insert into Games (Id, Name, NumPlayers, PlayTime, Publisher) Values(@Id, @Name, @NumPlayers, @PlayTime, @Publisher)", connectionString>
+let gameOne = {id=2; name="Coup"; numPlayers=5; playTime=15; publisher=""}
+    use insertCmd = new InsertGame() // or new InsertGame('NewConnectionString')
+    insertCmd.Execute(,, gameOne.numPlayers, gameOne.playTime, gameOne.publisher) |> ignore
+    use cmd = new GetAllGames ()
+    cmd.Execute () |> printfn "%A"

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