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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ALSDEMInterpolate

Interpolation of Digital Elevation Models from Airborne Laserscanner Data or 3D Points


Interpolation of Digital Elevation Models from Airborne Laserscanner Data


Interpolation of Digital Elevation Models from 3D Points

The following parameters can be selected:

  1. Extents: The minimum/maximum coordinates for which the DEM image shall be interpolated. Use the Set Extents to Maximum button to change the extent to the maximum size covered by the ALS data or the 3D point cloud, respectively.

  2. Ground resolution: The grid size of the interpolated DEM grid, in [coordinate units].

  3. Interpolation Method: The DEM heights can be interpolated using the moving horizontal plane method, the moving tilted plane method, or based on a triangulated irregular network (TIN).

  4. Neighbourhood: If the interpolation method is other than TIN, the DEM height of each pixel will be interpolated from the N nearest ALS or 3D points. Here you can select the number N of these points.

  5. Pulse: Select whether to compute the DEM image from first pulse data or from last pulse data. If only first or last pulse data are available, that pulse will be used for interpolating the DEM. This option is only available for ALS data.

  6. Resolution Level: Barista holds ALS data at different resolutions, i.e. it contains a data pyramid. Level 0 means that the DEM heights are to be interpolated from the original data; each higher level contains approximately 1/4 of the points of the previous level. This option is only available for ALS data.

  7. Maximum Distance: A DEM pixel will only receive a valid height if the distance of that pixel to its nearest 3D point is smaller than the maximum distance specified by the user. If the value of Maximum Distance is negative, it will not be considered (i.e., all DEM pixels will receive a height). This threshold is not used if interpolation based on a TIN is selected.

  8. Output File: Here you can specify a filename for the DEM.

After pressing the OK button the DEM will be interpolated and if the interpolation process is successful, a DEM node will be added to the Thumbnail view.

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