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BaristaSource / UserGuide / AdjustmentDlgSection1

Selection of images and GCPs

The thumbnail view of the adjustment dialog consists of two tabs. One shows all the images of the project which have at least one sensor model. The second tab shows all 3D points of the project which can be used as control points and also shows the bundle results.

Grafik Grafik

Select Images Select Control Points

The Image tab has three columns. Tick the check box in column use to use an image in the bundle adjustment. In any case, at least one image must be selected. In the right column the available sensor models for each image is displayed. The active sensor model is highlighted red. Selection of a sensor model can be activated via mouse click. The middle column shows a thumbnail of the actual image and image name. Click on the thumbnail to select the image. The background will change its colour to grey. The image point observations and parameters of the active sensor model can now be accessed.


Filter Images

Click the blue arrow above the use column to open the filter list. Here you can select the images you want displayed in the thumbnail view. Only visible and selected images will be considered in the adjustment process. Click the arrow again to close the filter list.

The tab showing 3D points lists all the 3 dimensional point arrays present in the project. Click on one of the arrays in order to select the control point array used for the adjustment. The selected icon will change to green and the description of the array will turn red.

Note: It is important that you select the correct type of point array. When using the RPC sensor model only control points in a Geographic reference system can be used. The Pushbroom sensor model requires control points in a Geocentric reference system (depending on the reference system used by the satellite vendors to describe the orbit). For Frame cameras only a Grid system can be used. All types of reference systems can be used with the affine model, though a Grid system is preferred.

Use the filter list to show only a subset of the 3D points of your project.

Once an adjustment has been successfully performed the resulting 3D coordinates for control and check points will also be shown. To review the adjustment result select AdjustmentResult from the point list. Make sure that the correct control point array is selected before performing another adjustment!


Filter Control Points

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