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BaristaSource / UserGuide / AdjustmentProtocol

The Barista Adjustment Protocol

Any adjustment in Barista will create a protocol file which can be accessed after the adjustment to inspect the quality of the results or to detect gross errors. The protocol file is called by defaul adjust.prt and will be written into the same directory as the Barista project file. Note that the adjustment protocol file will be overwritten whenever an adjustment process is started. The protocol viewer gives direct access to the protocol file. Use Save As.. in order to change the file name before a new adjustment is carried out.


Protocol viewer

The protocol file starts with an overview about some basic statistics of adjustment:

  1. Number of image / object point ovservations: This is the number of observed point co-ordinates, be it image co-ordinates (for observed image points) or object co-ordinates (for ground control points).

  2. Number of direct observations: The number of direct observations for station parameters.

  3. Number of unknown station parameters: The number of station parameters that is to be determined in the adjustment.

  4. Number of unknown 3D Points: The number of 3D points that are to be determined in the adjustment, be it ground control or tie points.

  5. Total number of observations: The total number of observations. It is identical to the sum of image/object point observations and direct observations.

  6. Total number of unknowns: The total number of unknowns determined in adjustment, i.e. three object coordinates per unknown object point plus the number of unknown station parameters.

  7. Number of constraints: The number of constraint equautions in the adjustment.

  8. Redundancy: The redundancy number of the adjustment. Note that the adjustment can only be carried out if redundancy is non-negative; if the redundancy is zero, no RMS errors can be computed for the unknowns.


Bundle Adjustment

Date: 04/18/07
Time: 4:19:01

Number of image / object point observations: 140
Number of direct observations: 14
Number of unknown station parameters: 14
Number of unknown 3D Points: 22
Total number of observations: 154
Total number of unknowns: 80
Number of constraints: 0
Redundancy: 74

This is followed by the adjustment results. The section describing the adjustment results starts with a list of stations used in adjustment. A station can be an image with observed image points, a set of ground control points or orbit path and attitude observations. For each station, the following information is given:

  1. Station: The station index that will be used in the remainder of the protocol to refer to that station. (for ground control points).

  2. Model: The sensor model used for the station. This depends on the observation type of the station and on the way the mapping between observation and ground co-ordinate system is modelled. Currently there are three sensor models:

    1. Affine Bundle: The affine sensor model for satellite images is used.

    2. RPC Bundle: The bias-corrected RPC model for satellite images is used.

    3. Control Points: The station is actually a ground control point list, using the point co-ordinates as direct observations for the (unknown) object co-ordinates of the respective point.

    4. Pushbroom Bundle: The PushBroom scanner sensor model for satellite images is used.

    5. FrameCamera Bundle: The analogue/digital frame camera model for areal images is used.

    6. Orbit Path Model: The orbit path model for satellite orbit path observations is used.

    7. Orbit Attitude Model: The orbit attitude model for satellite orbit attitude observations is used.

  3. Points: The number of points used from the station in adjustment.

  4. RMSX, RMSY, RMSZ: RMS values of an observed x, y, and z coordinate, computed from the residuals after adjustment. RMSZ will only be given for control points, orbit path and attitude observations. The units are:

    1. Pixels for RMSX and RMSY of images

    2. Metres for RMSX and RMSY, and RMSZ of control points. Even if the actual control points are given in geographic coordinates and, thus, X and Y have the units [degrees], RMSX and RMSY will be given in [m], as the arc length on a sphere with the average earth radius.

    3. Metres for RMSX, RMSY and RMSZ of orbit path observations

    4. Degree for RMSX, RMSY and RMSZ of orbit attitude observations

  5. Name: The name of the station as it is seen in the Barista Thumbnail View.

This is followed by the RMS error of the weight unit Sigma 0.

Sample for an bundle adjustment involving two images with bias corrected RPCs (Pan1.tif, Pan2.tif) and one set of control points (GCPgeographic.txt):

R e s u l t s o f A d j u s t m e n t

List of Stations:

Station Model Points RMSX RMSY RMSZ Name
( 1) RPC Bundle 15 0.329 0.252 PAN1.tif
( 2) RPC Bundle 22 0.467 0.350 PAN2.tif
( 3) Control Points 22 0.000 0.000 0.016 GCPgeographic.txt

RMS error of the weight unit: Sigma0 = +- 0.743

After this overview, the unknowns determined in adjustment will be listed together with their precision estimates derived from inverting the normal equation matrix. The list starts with the station parameters (given per station). For each station having unknown station parameters (i.e., not for control points), the following items are listed:

  1. Station: The index of the station, as it can be seen above list of stations.

  2. Sensor Model:The sensor model used for the station. This depends on the observation type of the station and on the way the mapping between observation and ground co-ordinate system is modelled. Currently, the sensor models Affine Bundle, RPC Bundle, Orbit Path Model and Orbit Attitude Modle are implemented.

  3. List of parameters: All unknown station parameters with their estimated RMS errors a posteriori, in the format:
    [Parametername: value +- rms].

Sample for the Affine Model:

Station ( 1):| Affine Bundle | |
A1: | 0.346026616| +- | 0.000270690
A2: | -0.074985858| +- | 0.000102688
A3: | -0.012338556| +- | 0.026246425
A4: | 361501.675641520| +- | 2.831901221
A5: | -0.080775724| +- | 0.000273890
A6: | -0.387675958| +- | 0.000103913
A7: | -0.262281651| +- | 0.026556328
A8: | 2463317.058182658| +- | 2.865378208

Sample for the RPC Model:

Station ( 1):| RPC Bundle | |
A0: | -15.539853987 | +- | 0.576214862
A1: | 0.000014617 | +- | 0.000025207
A2: | -0.000057771 | +- | 0.000027581
B0: | -0.255594501 | +- | 0.577718695
B1: | 0.000028970 | +- | 0.000025273
B2: | -0.000062666 | +- | 0.000027652
B3: | 0.000000000 | +- | 0.000000000

Sample for the Orbit Path Model:

Station ( 1):| Orbit Path Model| |
Orbit Path Shift | Parameter[m] | | Sigma[m] (in orbital system)
X: | -0.08 | +- | -2.12
Y: | 36.15 | +- | -10.02
Z: | -98.88 | +- | -4.86
Orbit Path Shift | Parameter[m] | | Sigma[m] (in global reference system)
X: | 48.14 | +- | 6.27
Y: | -76.66 | +- | 6.91
Z: | 53.75 | +- | 6.44
Spline Parameter| Parameter[m] | | Sigma[m]
Segment 1 ( X) a0:| -545551.67| +- | 6.36
Segment 1 ( X) a1:| 761600.50| +- | 11.76
Segment 1 ( X) a2:| 88812.77| +- | 31.11
Segment 1 ( X) a3:| -5746.87| +- | 20.51
Segment 1 ( Y) a0:| 122572.54| +- | 6.99
Segment 1 ( Y) a1:| -137283.78| +- | 11.73
Segment 1 ( Y) a2:| -70076.10| +- | 31.00
Segment 1 ( Y) a3:| 579.89| +- | 20.43
Segment 1 ( Z) a0:| 717337.00| +- | 6.536
Segment 1 ( Z) a1:| -1125132.46| +- | 11.75
Segment 1 ( Z) a2:| 69340.64| +- | 31.08
Segment 1 ( Z) a3:| 6342.23| +- | 20.49

Sample for the Orbit Attitude Model:

Station ( 1):| Orbit Attitude Model| |
Attitude Rotation | Parameter[sec] | | Sigma[sec]
Roll: | 10.52 | +- | 2.12
Pitch: | -0.50 | +- | 2.12
Yaw: | -4.10 | +- | 1.36
Spline Parameter| Parameter[º] | | Sigma[º]
Segment 1 ( Roll) a0:| -0.0449| +- | 0.0006
Segment 1 ( Roll) a1:| 0.0839| +- | 0.0008
Segment 1 ( Roll) a2:| 0.0006| +- | 0.0016
Segment 1 ( Roll) a3:| -0.0008| +- | 0.0010
Segment 1 (Pitch) a0:| -0.7907| +- | 0.0006
Segment 1 (Pitch) a1:| 1.5819| +- | 0.0008
Segment 1 (Pitch) a2:| -0.0009| +- | 0.0016
Segment 1 (Pitch) a3:| 0.0005| +- | 0.0010
Segment 1 ( Yaw) a0:| -0.0311| +- | 0.0004
Segment 1 ( Yaw) a1:| 0.0630| +- | 0.0013
Segment 1 ( Yaw) a2:| 0.0031| +- | 0.0029
Segment 1 ( Yaw) a3:| -0.0008| +- | 0.0019

The list of unknown station parameters is followed by a list of the estimated object points. Each line will have the format:

[Point X +- rmsX Y +- rmsY Z +- rmsZ]

Note that the adjusted co-ordinates of the object points will differ from the control point co- ordinates. The units of the point's X and Y coordinates will be [m] for geocentric or grid coordinates and [degrees] for geographic coordinates. The units of the Z coordiante and for all RMS values will always be [m]

Sample for an list of unknown object coordinates (note that in this case, the points are determined in geographic coordinates):

Object points:

   Point   Phi [deg]    Sigma[m]  Lambda [deg]  Sigma[m]    Z [m] Sigma[m]  
     ADD  -37.808538133 +- 0.008  144.945405399 +- 0.008   20.283 +- 0.073  
     ALB  -37.845925182 +- 0.008  144.954957400 +- 0.008    7.202 +- 0.073  
    AQUA  -37.843129765 +- 0.008  144.962154201 +- 0.008    8.937 +- 0.073  
    BASA  -37.837634019 +- 0.008  144.923302796 +- 0.008    7.449 +- 0.073  
    BASB  -37.837615572 +- 0.008  144.923305596 +- 0.008    7.501 +- 0.073  
     BAY  -37.794095751 +- 0.008  144.955899702 +- 0.008   40.384 +- 0.073  
  BEACON  -37.839483005 +- 0.008  144.927451802 +- 0.008    6.606 +- 0.073  
     CAN  -37.799262761 +- 0.008  144.972606700 +- 0.008   36.341 +- 0.073  
    COOK  -37.832419508 +- 0.008  144.912129004 +- 0.008    8.270 +- 0.073  
   ERROL  -37.798989890 +- 0.008  144.950376103 +- 0.008   18.778 +- 0.073  
     EXB  -37.805450989 +- 0.008  144.971374699 +- 0.008   46.197 +- 0.073  
     FAR  -37.798515251 +- 0.008  144.965811200 +- 0.008   49.511 +- 0.073  
    FITZ  -37.810650414 +- 0.008  144.979131804 +- 0.008   35.831 +- 0.073  
     GEO  -37.801948049 +- 0.008  144.981324396 +- 0.008   41.535 +- 0.073  
    GOLD  -37.797378307 +- 0.008  144.989420002 +- 0.008   24.198 +- 0.073  
    GREY  -37.811877039 +- 0.008  144.985958701 +- 0.008   30.723 +- 0.074  
     HOT  -37.814425163 +- 0.008  144.988184000 +- 0.008   27.112 +- 0.074  
  HOWARD  -37.803547048 +- 0.008  144.954056001 +- 0.008   40.494 +- 0.073  
     KEP  -37.795264230 +- 0.008  144.966352098 +- 0.008   53.360 +- 0.073  
     MOR  -37.795396000 +- 0.008  144.954766501 +- 0.008   35.941 +- 0.074  
     MUR  -37.800212590 +- 0.008  144.973073398 +- 0.008   37.518 +- 0.073  
   NEILL  -37.793514693 +- 0.008  144.973576697 +- 0.008   31.605 +- 0.073

After that, a protocol of the residuals during the iteration process is given. For each station, the following information is provided:

  1. Station: The station index as it can be seen in the above list of stations.

  2. The sensor model used for the station.

  3. The number of observed points in that station, i.e. the number of measured image points in an image or the number of ground control points in a ground control point list.

  4. RMS of residuals in x / y [pixel] or RMS of residuals in X / Y / Z [m]: For images, these are the RMS errors of the residuals of the image coordinates in x and y in [pixels]. For control points and orbit paths, these are the RMS errors of the residuals of observations X, Y, and Z in [m], independently from the units of the control point coordinates. The unit for orbit attitudes is degree.

  5. Max residual in x / y [pixel] or Max residual in X / Y / Z [m]: For images, these are the point identifiers and the values in of the maximum residual of the image coordinates in x and y, respectively, in [pixels]. For control points and orbit paths, these are the point identifiers and the values of the maximum residual in [m], independently from the units of the control point coordinates. The unit for orbit attitudes is degree.

  6. Max residual in x / y [units of sigma a priori] or Max residual in X / Y / Z [units of sigma a priori]: For images, these are the point identifiers and the values in of the maximum normalised residual of the image coordinates in x and y, respectively. For control points, orbit paths and attitudes these are the point identifiers and the values of the maximum normalised residual in X, Y, and Z. The normalised residual of a coordinate is defined here as the absolute value of the ratio between the residual of the co-ordinate and the a priori standard devation sigma of that co-ordinate.

After that list, the a posteriori standard deviation of the weight unit Sigma 0 is given

Sample (note that in this case, sigma_X = sigma_Y = 0.5 for image co-ordinates; furthermore, all image points have the same a priori standard deviation, so that the point having the maximum residual in any co-ordinate is always identical to the point having the maximum normalised residual in that co-ordinate):

Statistics of residuals:

Station ( 1): RPC Bundle, 15 points
RMS of residuals in x / y [pixels] 0.329 / 0.252
Max residual in x / y [pixels] FITZ 0.502 / GEO -0.453
Max residual in x / y [units of sigma a priori]: FITZ 1.005 / GEO 0.906

Station ( 2): RPC Bundle, 22 points
RMS of residuals in x / y [pixels] 0.467 / 0.350
Max residual in x / y [pixels] HOT -1.292 / COOK 0.712
Max residual in x / y [units of sigma a priori]: HOT 2.585 / COOK 1.424

Station ( 3): Control Points, 22 points
RMS of residuals in X / Y / Z [m] 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.016
Max residual in X / Y / Z [m] HOT 0.001 / FITZ 0.001 / HOT -0.038
Max residual in X / Y / Z [units of sigma a priori]: HOT 0.067 / FITZ 0.045 / HOT 0.378

This is followed by an ordered list of the ten observations having received largest normalised residuals, listing the following values:

  1. Point: The point identifier of the observation.

  2. Obs.: The observation in which that residual occurred, i.e., x or y for images, or X, Y, or Z for control points.

  3. normRes:The normalised residual of that observation.

  4. Residual:The residual of that observation, in [pixel] for image coordinates and in [observation units] ([deg] or [m]) for control poitns.

  5. Station: The station index of the observation receiving that residual.

  6. Model: The sensor model of that station.


The 10 worst normalised residuals:

Point Obs. normRes Residual Station Model
HOT x 2.585 -1.292 ( 2) RPC Bundle
ALB x 1.595 0.797 ( 2) RPC Bundle
COOK y 1.424 0.712 ( 2) RPC Bundle
FITZ y 1.385 0.692 ( 2) RPC Bundle
BEACON x 1.244 -0.622 ( 2) RPC Bundle
NEILL y 1.102 -0.551 ( 2) RPC Bundle
ERROL x 1.083 -0.542 ( 2) RPC Bundle
BAY x 1.075 0.537 ( 2) RPC Bundle
BASB y 1.056 -0.528 ( 2) RPC Bundle
NEILL x 1.025 0.513 ( 2) RPC Bundle

Finally, a listing of all the residuals is provided. If the object coordinates are given in geographical coordinates, the earth radius used for computing the metric values for the residuals and RMS errors of the control point coordinates is listed.

Sample for a complete protocol file:

Bundle Adjustment

Date: 04/19/07
Time: 14:33:44

Statistics if observations / unknowns:

Number of image / object point observations: 140
Number of direct observations: 14
Number of unknown station parameters: 14
Number of unknown 3D Points: 22

Total number of observations: 154
Total number of unknowns: 80
Number of constraints: 0
Redundancy: 74

R e s u l t s o f A d j u s t m e n t

List of Stations:

Station Model Points RMSX RMSY RMSZ Name
( 1) RPC Bundle 15 0.329 0.252 PAN1.tif
( 2) RPC Bundle 22 0.467 0.350 PAN2.tif
( 3) Control Points 22 0.000 0.000 0.016 GCPgeographic.txt

RMS error of the weight unit: Sigma0 = +- 0.743

Station parameters:

  Station (  1): RPC Bundle  
     A0:        -15.539853987 +-   0.576214862  
     A1:          0.000014617 +-   0.000025207  
     A2:         -0.000057771 +-   0.000027581  
     B0:          0.229345562 +-   0.577718695  
     B1:          0.000028970 +-   0.000025273  
     B2:         -0.000062666 +-   0.000027652  
     B3:         -0.000000000 +-   0.000000000

  Station (  2): RPC Bundle  
     A0:         29.544788543 +-   0.517799922  
     A1:         -0.000019286 +-   0.000022667  
     A2:          0.000180861 +-   0.000025434  
     B0:         -4.208276508 +-   0.523150902  
     B1:          0.000040758 +-   0.000022902  
     B2:          0.000049671 +-   0.000025696  
     B3:          0.000000000 +-   0.000000000

Object points:

   Point   Phi [deg]    Sigma[m]  Lambda [deg]  Sigma[m]    Z [m] Sigma[m]  
     ADD  -37.808538133 +- 0.008  144.945405399 +- 0.008   20.283 +- 0.073  
     ALB  -37.845925182 +- 0.008  144.954957400 +- 0.008    7.202 +- 0.073  
    AQUA  -37.843129765 +- 0.008  144.962154201 +- 0.008    8.937 +- 0.073  
    BASA  -37.837634019 +- 0.008  144.923302796 +- 0.008    7.449 +- 0.073  
    BASB  -37.837615572 +- 0.008  144.923305596 +- 0.008    7.501 +- 0.073  
     BAY  -37.794095751 +- 0.008  144.955899702 +- 0.008   40.384 +- 0.073  
  BEACON  -37.839483005 +- 0.008  144.927451802 +- 0.008    6.606 +- 0.073  
     CAN  -37.799262761 +- 0.008  144.972606700 +- 0.008   36.341 +- 0.073  
    COOK  -37.832419508 +- 0.008  144.912129004 +- 0.008    8.270 +- 0.073  
   ERROL  -37.798989890 +- 0.008  144.950376103 +- 0.008   18.778 +- 0.073  
     EXB  -37.805450989 +- 0.008  144.971374699 +- 0.008   46.197 +- 0.073  
     FAR  -37.798515251 +- 0.008  144.965811200 +- 0.008   49.511 +- 0.073  
    FITZ  -37.810650414 +- 0.008  144.979131804 +- 0.008   35.831 +- 0.073  
     GEO  -37.801948049 +- 0.008  144.981324396 +- 0.008   41.535 +- 0.073  
    GOLD  -37.797378307 +- 0.008  144.989420002 +- 0.008   24.198 +- 0.073  
    GREY  -37.811877039 +- 0.008  144.985958701 +- 0.008   30.723 +- 0.074  
     HOT  -37.814425163 +- 0.008  144.988184000 +- 0.008   27.112 +- 0.074  
  HOWARD  -37.803547048 +- 0.008  144.954056001 +- 0.008   40.494 +- 0.073  
     KEP  -37.795264230 +- 0.008  144.966352098 +- 0.008   53.360 +- 0.073  
     MOR  -37.795396000 +- 0.008  144.954766501 +- 0.008   35.941 +- 0.074  
     MUR  -37.800212590 +- 0.008  144.973073398 +- 0.008   37.518 +- 0.073  
   NEILL  -37.793514693 +- 0.008  144.973576697 +- 0.008   31.605 +- 0.073

Statistics of residuals:

Station ( 1): RPC Bundle, 15 points
RMS of residuals in x / y [pixels] 0.329 / 0.252
Max residual in x / y [pixels] FITZ 0.502 / GEO -0.453
Max residual in x / y [units of sigma a priori]: FITZ 1.005 / GEO 0.906

Station ( 2): RPC Bundle, 22 points
RMS of residuals in x / y [pixels] 0.467 / 0.350
Max residual in x / y [pixels] HOT -1.292 / COOK 0.712
Max residual in x / y [units of sigma a priori]: HOT 2.585 / COOK 1.424

Station ( 3): Control Points, 22 points
RMS of residuals in X / Y / Z [m] 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.016
Max residual in X / Y / Z [m] HOT 0.001 / FITZ 0.001 / HOT -0.038
Max residual in X / Y / Z [units of sigma a priori]: HOT 0.067 / FITZ 0.045 / HOT 0.378

The 10 worst normalised residuals:

Point Obs. normRes Residual Station Model
HOT x 2.585 -1.292 ( 2) RPC Bundle
ALB x 1.595 0.797 ( 2) RPC Bundle
COOK y 1.424 0.712 ( 2) RPC Bundle
FITZ y 1.385 0.692 ( 2) RPC Bundle
BEACON x 1.244 -0.622 ( 2) RPC Bundle
NEILL y 1.102 -0.551 ( 2) RPC Bundle
ERROL x 1.083 -0.542 ( 2) RPC Bundle
BAY x 1.075 0.537 ( 2) RPC Bundle
BASB y 1.056 -0.528 ( 2) RPC Bundle
NEILL x 1.025 0.513 ( 2) RPC Bundle

L i s t o f a l l r e s i d u a l s :

Station ( 1):

Point res_x res_y [pixels]
ADD 0.299 -0.344
ALB -0.134 0.296
AQUA 0.078 -0.455
BASA 0.304 -0.120
BASB 0.210 0.113
BAY -0.258 0.313
BEACON -0.421 0.310
CAN 0.201 0.042
COOK -0.146 0.164
ERROL -0.063 -0.482
EXB 0.156 -0.222
FAR -0.173 -0.036
FITZ -0.187 -0.502
GEO 0.453 0.438
GOLD -0.318 0.484

Station ( 2):

Point res_x res_y [pixels]
ADD -0.049 -0.254
ALB 0.054 -0.797
AQUA -0.153 -0.392
BASA 0.477 0.354
BASB 0.528 -0.428
BAY -0.175 -0.537
BEACON 0.055 0.622
CAN -0.134 -0.323
COOK -0.712 0.213
ERROL -0.392 0.542
EXB 0.141 0.446
FAR 0.078 -0.181
FITZ -0.692 -0.309
GEO 0.364 -0.245
GOLD -0.165 0.136
GREY -0.289 0.152
HOT 0.021 1.292
HOWARD -0.135 0.378
KEP 0.454 -0.041
MOR -0.186 -0.087
MUR 0.359 -0.026
NEILL 0.551 -0.513

Station ( 3):

Point res_X res_Y res_Z [m]
ADD -0.000 -0.000 -0.005
ALB -0.000 0.000 0.032
AQUA -0.001 0.000 0.001
BASA 0.000 -0.000 -0.020
BASB -0.000 -0.000 0.009
BAY -0.000 0.000 0.028
BEACON 0.001 0.000 -0.004
CAN -0.000 -0.000 0.008
COOK 0.000 0.000 0.003
ERROL 0.000 0.000 -0.024
EXB 0.000 -0.000 -0.021
FAR -0.000 0.000 0.007
FITZ -0.000 0.001 0.005
GEO 0.000 -0.000 0.007
GOLD 0.000 0.000 0.013
GREY 0.000 0.000 -0.003
HOT 0.001 0.000 -0.038
HOWARD 0.000 0.000 -0.010
KEP -0.000 -0.000 -0.001
MOR -0.000 0.000 0.003
MUR -0.000 -0.000 -0.001
NEILL -0.000 -0.000 0.012

Earth radius for computing metric residuals [m]: 6367444.657

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