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BaristaSource / UserGuide / AlosMergeDlg

Merge ALOS PRISM sub images

ALOS PRISM images are recorded as 4/6 sub images. This function can be used to merge the sub images into one image. This function is only available when the images are initialized with the pushbroom scanner model. It can be used straight after importing the images or after an adjustment of the ALOS specific parameters. See CCD Camera Node and Pushbroom Scanner Node for details.


Merge dialog

Barista automatically determines merge able images and groups them accordingly. The black area in the left and right most image will be cut off by default. Barista determines the position of the first and last valid pixel automatically. Un-tick 'Automatically determine image boundaries' to change the default settings. The default interpolation method is bilinear. Click on ‘Select file’ to select the filename of the merges.


Four sub images not merged


Merge scene

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