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BaristaSource / UserGuide / DifferenceDEMs

The Difference DEMs Dialog

Choosing function Difference DEMs starts a dialog for differencing two DEMs, which generates a new, difference DEM from the two existing DEMs. The two DEMs selected for differencing have to be defined in the same reference systems. Difference values will only be calculated for DEM areas where both DEMs have data values (not no data value). There are two options for the area, the dialog either allows difference over the area of the master DEM or to calculate the differences only for the overlapping area. To be able to start the differencing process a file name has to be specified.


Barista Difference DEMs dialog

After the differencing process of the DEM is finished, a DEM node icon will be created and added under the thumbnail view. Functions which can be performed from a thumbnail view DEM node are described in the section Barista thumbnail view.

Back to the Menu DEM Processing
