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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ExportImage

Export Image

Export Image will open an Export Image dialog, which allows you to save the selected image under a new filename and if desired, with new settings.

Enter the new filename by clicking Select File and determine the file type via the Filetype box. The following export formats are available:

  • TIFF (.tif)
  • JPEG (.jpg)
  • ERMapper Compressed Wavelets (.ecw)
  • JPEG 2000 (.jp2)


Export Image Dialog

The sections Select Band(s) and Export Settings allow to adjust the settings for the exported image. Barista will automatically select the settings of the current image, if they are supported by the chosen file type. All settings which are not supported by the file type or by the image data will not be available.

Select Band(s) allows saving different band orders and the number of bands. For images with only one channel, only 1 Channel and Intensity are available. For 3 band image data, 1 Channel and 3 Channels can be selected, where 3 Channels means the file is saved with the same band order as selected during import. Selecting 1 Channel allows saving either Red, Green and Blue channel separately or to store the intensity of the coloured image. Image data with 4 bands allows all 3 options. You can save the image with all 4 Channels by selecting either the RGB or CIR (coloured infrared) combination or saving one of the four channels separately.

Barista can transform 16 Bit to 8 Bit data. Simply select 8 Bit to transform and save the image with 8 Bit.

JPEG images cannot store 16 bit data; therefore, if you select this file type or the jpeg compression, the Image depth will not be selectable. The TIFF export allows different compression modes, whereas JPEG is limited to JPEG compression. ECW does not use any of the selectable compression modes. TIFF is also the only file format in Barista which allows you to save an image with tiles. Simply tick Tiled TIFF (default Setting).

For JPEG compression, the compression rate is adjustable, where 100 is the lowest compression rate and therefore the best image quality.

If there is geo reference information for the image available in Barista the section Geodata Settings is accessible. Ticking Save Geodata will store the geo information in the image file. Note: This option is only available for TIFF files! To save the georeferencing data in a separate file, tick Save in separate File. The filename will be chosen automatically by Barista and the file will be stored in the same folder as the exported image.

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